DNS(IMU) Preparatory Courses

Course Description :
Success at various training programs and requests at multiple levels has drawn our attention towards the DNS section whereby we felt that guidance in abundance and help with utmost sincerity is an aspect that has been long overlooked through the junior most candidates of this industry. Hence we at CMG were quick to respond the need of the hour and here we are welcoming the seeds of our industry at the center stage of a learning module developed specially for the Junior most section of our field.
With this regard following are the course details for DNS(IMU) candidates willing to join our esteemed institution :
Subjects Undertaken :
- Ship Construction & Ship Stability I
- Navigation I : Terrestrial and Celestial
- Navigation II : Bridge Equipment, Watch Keeping and Meteorology
- Cargo Handling, Stowage and Seamanship I
- Navigation III : Terrestrial, Coastal and Celestial Navigation
- Navigation IV : Advanced Bridge Equipment, Watch Keeping and Meteorology
- Cargo Handling, Stowage and Seamanship II
- Ship Construction and Ship Stability II
- MARPOL and Marine Engineering Knowledge
- Emergencies, Maritime Communication and Commercial Shipping Knowledge
Course Duration : Written : 2-8 Weeks (depending on the number of Subjects a candidate has opted to pursue the program in)
Learning Outcomes :
- Over 120 Lectures and 240 hrs of content!
- Training Module includes testing your knowledge at various levels.
- Sessions are started from basic lectures in each subjects guarding individual attention to candidates.
- Professional Mentors at the institute keep track of the growth of candidates at all times.
- Information packed practical training starting from basics to advanced application of knowledge learnt is an integral part of the sessions.
- Best suitable for beginners to advanced level users and who learn faster when demonstrated.
- Course content designed by considering the current and latest technologies and your performance on board through its application.
- Theoretical and Practical assignments at the end of every session.
- Different course material imparted at various times as per the requirement of the sessions.
Course Features
- Lectures 200
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 120 hours
- Skill level basic
- Language English
- Students 8
- Certificate No
- Assessments Yes
- Profile View and Principal Parts of a Ship
- Double Bottom Construction
- Hatch Coaming and Hatch Covers
- Bilge and Bilge well
- Sounding Pipe, Air Pipe and Ventilator
- Load line Marks
- Description on FP, AP, LBP, LOA, moulded depth, beam and draught
- Density and Relative Density
- Water Pressure and Thrust
- Flotation
- Displacement and Deadweight
- Load line Marks and their use in calculation of DWT Available
Bridge Equipment and Watch Keeping
- Marine Sextant – Principle and Errors
- Bridge Layout with Navigational Equipment
- Gyro Compass – Principle, Advantages and Disadvantages over Magnetic Compass and Gyro Repeaters
- Echo Sounder – Principle and Working
- Azimuth Mirror – General Use
- Detailed Explanation of Rules 1 to 18 ( with definitions and applications- 2 Rules each Day)
- Day and Night Signals including Sound and Light Signals
- Explain Lights and Shapes to be carried by ships when under way, making way through water, at anchor and aground, NUC, RAM, CBD, specialized activities and Fishing vessels
- Manoeuvring and Warning Signals
- Visibility of Lights as described in Rule 22
- Atmosphere
- Aneroid Barometer
- Solar radiation ( reflection, absorption and scattering )
- Heat ( conduction, convection and radiation )
- Environmental Lapse Rate and Temperature Variation
- Specific, absolute and relative humidity ( Vaporization )
- Saturation, Dew point and hydrological cycle ( evaporation, condensation and precipitation )
- Barograph and Hygrometer
- Stevenson’s Screen and Whirling Psychrometer
- Anemometer and Sea water temperature bucket
Cargo Handling and Stowage
- Dry Cargo Ships ( Bulk Carrier, Container and General Cargo Ships )
- Liquid Cargo Ships ( Crude Oil Tanker, Chemical Tanker and Gas Carrier )
- Miscellaneous Vessels ( Passenger, Reefer, RORO, Livestock, Fishing and Supply Vessels )
- Explanation and Exercises on Bale and Grain Capacity, Stowage Factor and Broken Stowage, Load density and Permissible Load Density.
- Explain difference of freight calculated as per “Deadweight Cargo” and ‘Measurement Cargo”.
- Information and Location of Cargo Compartments, Fuel Oil tanks and Ballast tanks.
- Familiarization with “Load Line Zones” and “Seasonal Load Line Zones” with reference to Chart BA D6083.
- Principal and use of Hydrometer
- Calculation of Cargo to Load/Discharge using Ship’s Mean Draft, Displacement and other applicable deductibles.
- Basic understanding of Cargo planning and load distribution
- Brief Explanation on Stowage, Segregation and Separation of Cargoes.
- Basics of Ballasting, de-ballasting and Stripping.
- Description and Purpose of inspections required for Cargo spaces, hatch covers and ballast tanks
- Basic Knowledge of Indian Dock Safety Regulation
- Cargo hold Cleaning & Washing-Requirements, Preparation and Procedures
- Cargo handling Gear on Dry Cargo Ships
- Cargo Securing Manual – Procedures, arrangements and equipments for securing of general cargo and containers
- Cargo Caring Procedures including ventilation, cargo sweat, temperature control, water ingress prevention and fire controlling methods.
- Construction, Care, Maintenance and Stowage of Natural and Synthetic fiber ropes.
- Construction, Care, Maintenance and Stowage of Wire ropes
- Simple Numerical on SWL, MA, VR, Effort, Load and Efficiency
- Blocks, Purchases & Lifting and Mooring Appliances
- Corrosion – Causes, Identification & Prevention
- Safe Working Practices including Risk Assessment
- Requirements and duties of Safe Officer including details of Safety Committee Meeting
- “Work Permit” – requirement, conditions, checklist and operational details
- Explanation on Personal Protective Equipment including their requirement and usage
- Safety Precautions for various operations
- Identification of color codes used for various “Safety Signs “ on board
- Marine Radar
- Auto-pilot
- Course Recorder
- GPS including DGPS and WGS84
- Doppler Log
- Basic concept and purpose of LRIT, VDR/S-VDR and BNWAS
- Basic principles of bridge teamwork and bridge resource management
- Organizational structure and duties of all individuals who are a part of the bridge team
- Contents and records to be maintained under various Log books on bridge
- Principles and duties at navigational watch
- Principles and duties at anchor
- Preparations and duties prior to arrival port
- Preparations and duties prior departure
- Explain various ship reporting systems
- Explain in detail Rule 19, 35, 36, 37 and 38
- Explain Annex 1
- Condensation and Precipitation
- Pressure Gradient and Isobaric Patterns
- Winds – types, occurrences, causes and effects
- Basic Wind Triangle including true and apparent wind
- Buys Ballot’s Law
- Basic concepts of TRS
- Types of Fronts, Structure of depressions and Beaufort Scale
- Weather Coding and De-coding
- Ocean Currents
Cargo Handling and Care
- Tanker Arrangement and Cargo Piping System
- Cargo Pumps and Emergency Shut Down System
- Hazards of Oil, Chemical and Gas cargoes
- Ship Shore Safety Checklist
- Inert Gas System
- Gas Measuring Instruments
- Types of Containers along with Standard Construction, payload and capacity
- Container Markings, sealing of containers and Locking arrangements
- Types of Bulk Cargoes
- Container Handling Gear for Containers and Bulk Carriers
- Cargo Stowage Plan for Containers and Bulk Carriers
- Cargo Documentation for Containers and Bulk Carriers
- Cargo securing Manual for Containers and Bulk Carriers
- Segregation of Cargo as per IMDG Code
- Testing and Preparation of Cargo Holds
- Multi Purpose Vessels – Types, Capacity Plan, Loading Ramps, Ventilation System and Fire Precautions
Seamanship and Deck Work
- Tackles and Purchases
- Anchors and Anchor Work
- Safety Precautions while Anchoring
- Safety Precautions while repairing radar
- Safety Precautions while entering Battery room
- Safety Precautions while using Bosun’s Chair
- Safety Precautions while rigging gangway and pilot ladder
- Safety Precautions while entering Enclosed Space
- Work Permit System for various jobs on board
- Safe bunkering practices
- Elevation and profile view of a General Cargo ship
- Elevation and profile view of a double hull Tanker
- Elevation and profile view of a Gas carrier
- Elevation and profile view of a RORO ship
- Contents and brief description of various plans on board
- Identify and Sketch various structural components of different ship plans on board
- Mid-Ship sections of various ships
- Double-bottom Construction
- Camber, Rise of floor, Tumblehome, Flare, Sheer, Rake, Parallel Middle Body, Entrance and Run
- Ship Stresses – Shear Force and Bending moments, hogging and sagging, racking stress, panting and pounding
- Hatchway Arrangements
- Bilge Piping system
- Bilge Strum Box
- Fire Main Arrangement
- Sounding Pipes with striker plate
- Air pipes to Ballast Tank & Fuel Oil Tanks
- Rudder
- Center of Gravity
- Center of Buoyancy
- Transverse and Statical Stability
- Difference between Stiff and Tender Vessel
- Free Surface Effect
- List
- Trim
Environmental Protection and Personal Safety
- List of Annexes to the MARPOL
- Basic definitions in Annex I
- Discharge Criteria – Annex I
- Special Areas – Annex I
- Oil Record Book
- SOPEP Manual
- Annex II – Basic Reference
- Annex II – Categories of Noxious Liquid Substances
- Annex II – Discharge Criteria
- Annex II – Procedures and Arrangements Manual
- Cargo Record Book
- Annex III – Harmful Substances ( Hazards, Purpose, Requirements and Procedures )
- Annex IV – Procedures to discharge of sewage into the sea
- Annex V – Garbage ( Purpose, Provision, Regulatory disposal and Requirements )
- Garbage Record Book
- Garbage Management Plan
- Brief Explanation on Annex VI
- Brief Explanation on Ballast Water Management
- Ballast Water Record Book
- Brief Explanation on Anti-Fouling Paint Pollution
- Brief Description on ODS, Acid Rain, VOCs, ECAs and permissible sulphur content in Marine Fuels
Basic Marine Engineering Knowledge
- Engine Room Layout
- Basic Functional Knowledge of: Main and Auxiliary Engine, Boiler, Air Compressor and Air Bottle, Types of Pumps, Evaporators, Oily Bilge Water Separators, A/C and refrigeration plant, Steering Gear and Propeller
- Advantages of Hydraulic System
- Pascal’s and Bernoulli’s Principle
- Characteristics and Chemical Hazards of Hydraulic Fluid
- Purpose of Pressure control V/v and Flow control V/v
- Dangers and Safety Precautions while working on Hydraulic system
- Hazards and Safety Precautions while working with Compressed Air
- Care and Maintenance of Pneumatic System